
The Most GIF-Able Players of the 2021 MLB Season

The 2021 baseball season is upon us, which means that all eyes are on the titans in Southern California and New York, everyone else is fighting to be 16th best, and the Orioles are about to introduce you to some pitchers you’ve never heard of before. But wherever your team’s…

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The 11 Most Important MLB References in Rap History

You’re not here for a long explanation of why we’re doing this (even though the explanation isn’t long, it’s just that Alex went down a rabbit hole on Rap Genius one night). So let’s cut to the chase: it’s the Tipping Pitches Superlative Awards for the best (or most esoteric,…

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The 2020 All-GIF Draft

It’s going to be a short season this year (and who knows how long it will last), but as long as there’s baseball, there will be GIFs. And so, to preview which players we’ll have our eyes on this year, we present to you: The 3rd Annual All-GIF Draft! Those…

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Tipping Pitches Classics

Here at Tipping Pitches, we look to baseball for a comforting rhythm. It’s the salve from a winter full of anxiety, the constant through hectic summers. Though it is low on the actual list of important things affected by COVID-19, the postponement of Major League Baseball’s season has underscored the…

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The 2019 All-GIF Draft

With the return of baseball nearly upon us, it’s time to preview the season the only way we know how: by picking the players who are going to produce the best GIFs in 2019. Welcome to the second annual All-GIF Draft! In case you missed last year’s edition, here’s a…

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The 2018 All-GIF Draft

It’s about that time. Everyone and their mother are doing 2018 season previews. Will the Mets starting rotation stay healthy? Will Byron Buxton continue to be an above-average hitter? Will anyone ever challenge the Dodgers for the NL West crown in our lifetimes? We ignored all of that, and instead,…

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A Love Letter To Backyard Baseball (And How To Play It Yourself!)

, Follow @tipping_pitches Inspired by an article by Zach Kram at the Ringer last year, Bobby and Alex take a deep dive into the history of “Backyard Baseball,” the kids-video-game-turned-cult-classic that they grew up with. They bring on Nick Mirkovich, one of the game’s co-creators, to talk about the game’s…

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The All-Gentrification Team

While watching the playoffs this year, we noticed that a handful of players definitely looked like they could be our neighbors in Bushwick and tell us that “their older stuff was better.” So, in the spirit of past similar endeavors, we decided to pull together a list of players to…

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On The Game That Broke The Scale

The best baseball games happen when whatever Higher Baseball Beings there are — if you believe in those sorts of things — treat a sold-out crowd like their personal snow globe. An unwitting fanbase sits on the edge of their seats, hoping for 27 easy outs and getting rammed by…

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The Anatomy of an “F*** You” Home Run

Bryce Harper isn’t here for your Nats playoff curse takes. That’s why when the Nationals’ favorite frat star came up in the bottom of the eighth inning with his team down two runs — and on the verge of continuing their run of postseason disappointment — Harper executed one of…

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